The New Face of Manufacturing: GraySolutions
Gray Solutions, a full-service automation, operations, and information services firm focused on helping customers with smart manufacturing, launched earlier this year as a new company within Gray.

“Just as Gray Construction can do it all, from site analysis to engineering, design, and construction, Gray Solutions is uniquely positioned to support new and existing customers with best-in-class automation, operations consulting, and information services,” says Walker Mattox, president.
“And unlike conventional manufacturing production, where there is a shakeout period of weeks or months to establish a baseline, streamlining information sources through Gray Solutions means pushing the button and optimizing performance from day one,” adds Mattox.
All industries are experiencing rapid transformations through new process and information technologies, and no industry is under more pressure from consumers for rapid change than Food & Beverage. Specialized expertise within Gray Solutions allows customers to have access to expertise for any size project, from large greenfields to small line upgrades or data capture projects.
“Our Food & Beverage customers are under immense pressure to continually provide new products to consumers, and they must be able to respond and adapt quickly. The team at Gray Solutions brings an outcome focused approach to solving our customer’s unique challenges,” says Randolph Wilson, vice president, strategy & innovation.