Gray Turns 50!

Since 1960, we’ve been building relationships around the World, and all throughout 2010 we’re going to be celebrating with special publications, mailings and the launch of a new website–all highlighting our customers, team members and our subcontractors and suppliers who are a part of our fifty-year history.
Please enjoy a prelude to our year of celebration with a note from Jim and Stephen Gray which appeared in our latest edition of our newsletter, The Grayway.
2010: Entering our 50th Year. The Greatest Generation and The Next Generation.
“Fifty years sure sounds like a long time! And it is … especially in the business world. Especially in the U.S. construction industry. Especially in these turbulent times!
We’re fortunate, so fortunate, to have had the blessings of friends and families and good customers; and great employees and subcontractors … over these fifty years.
And it all goes back to a guy and a gal, James Norris and Lois Gray. A young man and his wife … who both served their country in the U.S. Navy during World War II; and who like hundreds of thousands of young Americans like them, came home to small towns across America to create families and build communities. NBC’s Tom Brokaw called them the “greatest generation.” America believed in them. Relied on them.
America has always believed in its next generation. And so too has our business. Some of our earliest memories of growing-up include working on a jobsite back home in Glasgow, the Happy Valley Elementary School, where the whole family sported brooms and shovels for the final clean-up before final inspection.
So you see, our dad and mom believed in leveraging young folks from early in their careers! Investing and believing in the next generation isn’t something that’s new to Gray. Today, it’s just a 21st Century version of the same model … a tribute and a challenge … that we will actively engage generational growth, learning, and change … in this, our 50th anniversary year … and always.”
Jim Gray
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
Stephen Gray
President and Chief Operating Officer
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Some opinions expressed in this article may be those of a contributing author and not necessarily Gray.