9 Maintenance Tips to Get Your Facility Ready for Spring and Summer
It’s that time of year! Now that spring has sprung and summer is around the corner, it’s important to adjust processes and procedures to prepare for the warmer weather. Gray Service team offers the following reminders to help get your facility and grounds ready for a safe and successful season.

1. Turn on your landscape irrigation system. If you drained your landscape irrigation system to prevent it from freezing, make sure it has been turned back on. This will protect your landscaping during warmer, dry weather.
2. Check your asphalt/concrete paving. Damages may have occurred during snow removal and/ or it may be time to apply new sealer to prevent water infiltration into the sub-grade beneath the asphalt/concrete paving.
3. Perform a general review of your roof. Check gutters and roof drains to ensure they are clean and draining properly. Make sure snow/ice buildup hasn’t damaged flashing; loose flashing needs to be addressed immediately in preparation for springtime storms/wind.
4. Check all exterior sealants, such as window sealants, roof sealants, door threshold sealant, etc. to ensure joints are still tight. It is common for sealants that are exposed to harsh winter conditions and freeze thaw cycles to open up leading to leaks during the spring rains.
5. Do a thorough review of your HVAC system. Switch HVAC controls from heat to cooling modes as desired. Check/change filters and belts. Lubricate motor/fan bearings and clean coils as necessary.
6. Check outside lighting lamps and ballast for performance. Repair and replace as necessary to maintain visibility and safety.
7. Survey your fire alarm system, checking smoke and duct detectors to ensure proper operation.
8. Perform a general inspection of your electrical system. This may include a thermal imaging scan for hot spots and ensuring panels are clean and lugs are tightened properly.
9. Ensure your fire protection system is working correctly. Last but not least, it may be time for your annual fire system and pump test to ensure your fire protection system is performing correctly.