Time's up! Have you completed your Dust Hazard Analysis (DHA)?
Is your plant handling a product with combustible dust? If so, then a Dust Hazard Analysis (DHA) must be completed. The deadline given in NFPA 652, 2019 Edition for completion of the Dust Hazard Analysis was September 7th, 2020, so time’s up!
A Dust Hazard Analysis (DHA) is a systematic review of the processes and areas of your facility where combustible particulate solids are present, with the intent to both identify and evaluate the risk of fire and explosion hazards within a facility or process handling combustible dust. The analysis will help identify the fire, flash-fire, and explosion hazards that exist in your facility–especially the ones you did not even know existed. The DHA is effectively your Road Map to Combustible Dust Safety.
An effective DHA will achieve three goals:
- Identify where dust hazards exist within the process or facility and the risk posed.
- Evaluate what safeguards are currently in place to protect the facility or process.
- Recommend where additional safeguards should be implemented based on NFPA requirements and industry best practices.
Per NFPA 652, the owner or operator of the facility is responsible for characterizing the combustible material, identifying hazards, mitigating those hazards, and communicating the hazards to the workforce.
NFPA promotes 3 fundamental principles: controlling the fuel, controlling the ignition sources, and limiting the spread of a combustion event. Spec Engineering will assist your company in safely controlling the combustible or explosive dust in your plant.
In the recent years, we have completed 15 DHA projects. Spec Engineering DHA Services include: site evaluation, material testing, detailed report of findings, PFD & GA Drawings, Equipment Lists, Instrumentation Lists, RFQ Package, and TIC Estimate. Read about a project highlight here:
Contact Spec Engineering to schedule a preliminary walk-through with a DHA specialist today!
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